It is not often that we are blessed to share the letters we receive from appreciative recipients and their families, but we are honored to be able to share this one with our readers today. We hope it inspires you the way it has inspired us to push forward despite this pandemic, to support Arizona’s families and their children who want to play organized sports but do not have the financial means to do so.


To Whom It May Concern,


I am writing on behalf of myself and more importantly, my 11-year-old son. The Caris Sports Foundation awarded my son a scholarship to play competitive soccer this year. Due to recent financial hardships, I could not afford to pay for him to play without the help of the scholarship.


My son is doing extremely well on the team. It is imperative to emphasize the importance that his success is not just on the field but off the field as well. The scholarship has given him the ability to stay physically active and in touch with his friends. So, as important as the physical aspect of the game of soccer has been for him, it is the stability the game has provided and the mental growth that I have seen him grow the most in.


Both my son and I are extremely grateful that the Caris Sports Foundation was able to provide the funding for him to play soccer. Without the foundation, none of the growth or stability mentioned above would have been possible this year. As a father, to watch his son grow the way he has over the last six months is a blessing never to be forgotten.


Thank you to everyone at the Caris Sports Foundation who made this possible.


– 2020 Financial Aid Recipient

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